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The characterization of a person as “beautiful”, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, charm and elegance, and outer beauty, which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, symmetry, and complexion.

Vera Bradley Designs, Inc.

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Inner beauty is a concept used to describe the positive aspects of something that is not physically observable.

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While most species use physical traits and pheromones to attract mates, humans claim to rely on the inner beauty of their choices. Qualities including kindness, sensitivity, tenderness or compassion, creativity and intelligence have been said to be desirable since antiquity.

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Working with IDIOTS can kill you !!!!!
IDIOTS in the office are just as hazardous to your health as cigarettes, caffeine etc. Many dopes can kill us, and stress is one of the top causes of heart attacks____and working with stupid people on a daily basis is one of the deadliest forms of stress.
Dr. Anderson said that almost all of his low risk patients told him they work with people so stupid they can barely find their way from the parking lot to the office, and less than 12 hours after having confrontation with one of the idiots, she had heart attack. One woman rushed to the hospital after her assistant shredded important company documents instead of copying them. One patient collapsed at his desk because the woman at the next cubicle kept asking him for correction fluid for her computer monitor.
    You can cut back on smoking or improve your diet, but most people have very poor coping skills when it comes to STUPIDITY__they feel there's nothing the can do about it, so they just internalize their frustrations until they finally explode. Stupid co-workers can also double or triple someone's workload.
Many feel sorry for the drooling idiots they work with, so they try to cover for them by fixing their mistakes. One poor woman spent more than a week rebuilding patient's records because the clerk put them all in the "recycle bin" and then emptied them-- she thought it meant the records would be recycled and used again...HHmm...enjoy your work.

Vera Bradley
                                    Designs, Inc.

The discovery of self is ongoing. Life keeps changing, and we need to keep assessing how we live our lives and what we care about. It's about being mindful of our lives – about feeling good in our skin, which is what feeling beautiful ultimately is about.

While we can't control all the things that give us angst, there are ways we can get aspects of our lives under control.


You don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on expensive products or artificial enhancements to be beautiful. All you really need is a positive mental attitude, sound mind and body, and positive well being. These simple things allow your natural beauty to glow both inside and out.

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Do Opposites Attract?

Opposites attract because that's the nature of reality. There's a polarity in the universe physically that is also reflected in relationships, especially when it comes to personality traits. So a high-energy person will be attracted to a low-energy person, an intellectual person will be attracted to an intuitive person, and so on. The great myth in our culture is that compatibility is the grounds for a relationship -- actually, compatibility is grounds for boredom. Incompatibility makes for a dynamic, powerful, growing, exciting relationship. But this comes with a cost and a benefit -- because it is the context for most growth and ultimate happiness.

Though opposites attract at first, eventually they repel. And that's when the growth can happen -- because we are going to be attracted to somebody who's a carrier of undeveloped parts of ourselves.

The attraction of opposites causes you to experience transiently what I call "spurious wholeness." But when you get committed in the relationship, your unwholeness shows up. Then suddenly you want that person not to have that trait, because it reminds you of a missing part of yourself that was rejected in childhood by your caretakers, and you will tend to reject it in your potential partner. And that turns out to be the growth area for you. So when your opposite shows up, you've got a keeper. Then you have to figure out how to get them in the boat and then stay in the boat with them -- all the way home.

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